The diocesan Office of Catechesis has created a prayer ritual that individuals, couples, and families can do together this Earth Day:

A Prayer of Gratitude for the Earth

Gather together with your family in your backyard, park, or green space for this prayer. If you do not have a green space available, gather together some images of nature for your reflection.

Call to Prayer

God of all creation, we gather together to praise you and all of your creation. May we be aware of the gifts that you have given us in the world and in each other. We pray in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen +

Reading and Response

Psalm 104: 1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34

Bless the LORD, O my soul!
O LORD, my God, you are great indeed!
How manifold are your works, O Lord!
the earth is full of your creatures

R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.

May the glory of the LORD endure forever;
may the LORD be glad in his works!
Pleasing to him be my theme;
I will be glad in the LORD.

R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.

If you take away their breath, they perish
and return to their dust.
When you send forth your spirit, they are created,
and you renew the face of the earth.

R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. Alleluia!


Walk and Bless

Slowly walk around your yard or the green space you are in and notice all the life you see i.e the grass, flowers, mushrooms and creatures you encounter. As you do this pause periodically and extend your hand in blessing asking God to bless all the marvels you discover.

Closing Prayer

Creator God, help us to always be mindful of the gifts of life all around us. Help us to take care of our earthly home and our brothers and sisters all over the world. We pray in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen +


Download a copy of the prayer ritual here.

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